
Venezuela arrests 3 more suspects related to failed anti-government incursion

CARACAS, May 11 (NNN-Xinhua) — Venezuela has arrested another three suspects allegedly involved in a failed armed incursion intended to topple President Nicolas Maduro earlier this month, a top military official said.

The suspects were arrested in Tovar, a city in central Aragua state, in an operation to capture those behind the incursion, said Remigio Ceballos, strategic operational commander of the National Bolivarian Armed Forces.

Venezuela says troops seize abandoned Colombian combat boats, weapons

CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuela’s military said it seized three abandoned Colombian light combat vessels that soldiers found on Saturday while patrolling the Orinoco river, several days after the government accused its neighbor of aiding a failed invasion.

In a statement, the Defense Ministry said the boats were equipped with machine guns and ammunition, but had no crew, adding they were discovered as part of a nationwide operation to guarantee Venezuela’s “freedom and sovereignty.”

Venezuela charges Americans with terrorism, conspiracy

9 May 2020; AFP: Venezuela has charged two former US soldiers with terrorism and conspiracy for allegedly taking part in a failed bid to topple President Nicolas Maduro, the attorney general said on Friday.

Luke Alexander Denman, 34, and Airan Berry, 41, were among 17 people captured by the Venezuelan military, which said it had thwarted an attempted invasion by mercenaries in the early hours of Sunday.

Venezuela to present its case to international bodies

KUALA LUMPUR, May 7 (NNN-BERNAMA) — Venezuela will present to the United Nations Security Council the case of the attempt by certain groups to carry out a plot against the South American country, and will also present the evidence before the International Criminal Court (ICC), said President Nicolás Maduro.

Venezuela opposition negotiated Maduro overthrow plan with security firm: report

CARACAS (Reuters) - Members of Venezuela’s opposition in October negotiated a $213 million deal with a small Florida security company to invade the country and overthrow President Nicolas Maduro, according to a document published by the Washington Post on Thursday.

Venezuelan authorities this week arrested more than a dozen people, including Americans who work for the company, Silvercorp USA, as part of a bungled incursion that has served as a public relations victory for Maduro’s struggling government.

Venezuelan Pres Maduro says captured Americans to be tried in Venezuela

CARACAS, May 7 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Venezuela will try two Americans allegedly captured during a failed raid by mercenaries, President Nicolas Maduro said as the US vowed to “use every tool available” to bring them home.

Venezuela announced on Monday that it had arrested the pair on suspicion of trying to topple Maduro in an operation supported by the US-backed opposition.

Detained American claims he plotted Maduro's capture in Venezuela TV statement

CARACAS (Reuters) - A former U.S. soldier captured in Venezuela said on Wednesday that he had been contracted by a Florida security firm to seize control of Caracas’ airport and bring in a plane to fly President Nicolas Maduro to the United States.

Venezuelan authorities on Monday arrested the man, Luke Denman, along with fellow U.S. citizen Airan Berry and 11 others, in what Maduro has called a failed plot coordinated with Washington to oust him.

Trump denies ties to Venezuelan attack with 2 US men jailed

CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — President Donald Trump said Tuesday that the United States had nothing to do with an alleged incursion into Venezuela that landed two U.S. citizens behind bars in the crisis-stricken South American nation.

Trump said he had just learned of the detention of the pair, accused by Venezuela of being mercenaries. Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro said they were part of an operation to kill him that was backed by neighboring Colombia and the United States.

Venezuela Denounces Maritime Invasion As “New Coup D’etat”

CARACAS, May 4 (NNN-XINHUA) – Venezuelan Interior Minister, Nestor Reverol, announced that, an attempted maritime invasion “by Colombian terrorist mercenaries,” occurred in the central state of La Guaira, to destabilise the country.

He stated that the objective of the attack was “to increase the spiral of violence, generate chaos and confusion in the population, and thereby lead to a new coup attempt.”

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