Science & Technology

China's Tianwen-1 probe to land on Mars in May or June

BEIJING, March 4 (Xinhua) -- China's Mars probe Tianwen-1 is traveling at a speed of 4.8 km per second in the Mars orbit, and is expected to land on the red planet in May or June, a senior space expert said on Thursday.

The probe is functioning normally and has sent home China's first high-definition images of Mars, which contain a large quantity of scientific information, said Bao Weimin, director of the Committee of Science and Technology under the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation.

India: Countdown begins for PSLV-C51/Amazonia-1 mission

Bengaluru, Feb 27 (PTI) Countdown for the launch of PSLV-C51/Amazonia-1 mission commenced on Saturday from Satish Dhawan Space Centre at Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh.

PSLV-C51 rocket, which is the 53rd mission of PSLV (Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle), will launch Amazonia-1 of Brazil as primary satellite and 18 co-passenger satellites from Sriharikota, about 100 kms from Chennai, Bengaluru- headquartered Indian Space Research Organisation said in a statement.

The launch is tentatively scheduled at 1024hours on February 28, subject to weather conditions.

India: New alpine plant species discovered in Arunachal

Itanagar, Feb 23 (PTI) A new species of alpine plant in Arunachal Pradesh's Tawang district has been discovered by a group of scientists of three institutes of the country, according to a journal that published their research paper.

The new species belongs to the family of Himalayan sunflower, North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology research fellow Dr Lobsang Tashi Thungon, who is a member of the team, said.

India: Moon mission Chandrayaan-3 launch delayed further to 2022

New Delhi, Feb 21 (PTI) Chandrayaan-3, India's third mission to Moon, is likely to be launched in 2022, ISRO chief K Sivan has said.

The COVID-19 lockdown has hit several projects of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) including Chandrayaan-3, which was scheduled to be launched in late 2020, and Gaganyaan, the country's first manned space mission.

Turkey unveils space program including 2023 moon mission

Ankara, Feb 10 (AP-PTI) Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan unveiled an ambitious 10-year space programme for his country Tuesday that includes missions to the moon, sending Turkish astronauts into space and developing internationally viable satellite systems.

Erdogan announced the programme, seen as part of his vision for placing Turkey in expanded regional and global role, during a live televised event laced with special effects.

Chinese spacecraft nearing Mars, world’s 2nd in 2 days

BEIJING (AP) — A Chinese spacecraft appears poised to enter orbit around Mars, one day after an orbiter from the United Arab Emirates did so and about a week ahead of an American attempt to put down another spacecraft on the surface of the red planet.

Chinese authorities, always cautious about possible failure, have not announced a planned arrival time. The official Xinhua News Agency reported last week that the spacecraft was expected to slow down around Wednesday before entering orbit and preparing for a Mars landing.

Case report sheds light on COVID-19 reinfection: Yale Uni report

New Delhi, Feb 5 (PTI) Waning immunity in some people following the first episode of infection with the novel coronavirus may make them more susceptible to reinfection, say doctors in a new case report.

While a decline in the levels of antibodies against the SARS-CoV-2 virus after first encounter with the virus may heighten reinfection risk, the research, published in the journal BMJ Case Reports, noted that severe infection first time around may be followed by milder symptoms second time.

Iran tests new satellite launcher

02 Feb 2021; MEMO: Iran said on Monday it had successfully tested a satellite launcher to help achieve its "most powerful rocket engine", in a move likely to trigger protests from the United States and stoke tensions over Tehran's nuclear and missile programmes, Reuters reported.

The United States, Iran's long time foe, fears such long-range ballistic technology used to put satellites into orbit could also be used to launch nuclear warheads. Tehran denies the US accusation.

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