
14 killed in Mexico prison attack

MEXICO CITY, Jan. 1 (Xinhua) -- Ten guards and four inmates died after an attack on a prison Sunday in the northern Mexican city of Ciudad Juarez, the Chihuahua state prosecutor's office reported.

On Sunday morning, gunmen in armored vehicles opened fire against the security personnel of the prison, the office said in a statement.

Mexican soldiers and state police regained control of the prison later Sunday, it said, adding 13 people were injured and 24 inmates fled during the incident.

Local police killed two gunmen in a vehicle, according to the statement.

MEXICO: 15 tourists killed and a dozen injured when bus flipped over and crashed

MEXICO CITY, Dec 31 (NNN-AGENCIES) — At least 15 people were killed in western Mexico on Friday when the bus they were traveling in flipped over and crashed, local authorities said.

The victims were tourists on their way back to the city of Leon in the central state of Guanajuato when the accident happened in the state of Nayarit, according to a statement from the authorities.

“Fifteen people have been reported dead so far,” it said, adding that a dozen more were injured.

Mexican authorities uncover human skulls in package headed for U.S.

MEXICO CITY, Dec 30 (Reuters) - Four human skulls were discovered inside a package at a Mexican airport that was due to be sent by courier to the United States, local authorities said on Friday.

The skulls were found wrapped in aluminum foil inside a cardboard box at Queretaro Intercontinental Airport in central Mexico, a statement from the National Guard said.

The package had been sent from the western coastal state of Michoacan - one of the most violent parts of the country - and was destined for an address in Manning, South Carolina, it said.

Slipping over Mexico border, migrants get the jump on U.S. court ruling

CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico Dec 28 (Reuters) - Even before the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday opted to keep in place a measure aimed at deterring illegal border crossings, hundreds of migrants in northern Mexico were taking matters into their own hands to slip into the United States.

The contentious pandemic-era measure known as Title 42 had been due to expire on Dec. 21, but last-minute legal stays pitched border policy into limbo and made a growing number of migrants decide they had little to lose by crossing anyway.

Mexican president criticizes U.S. Republicans for inhumane treatment of migrants

MEXICO CITY, Dec. 28 (Xinhua) -- Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on Tuesday criticized the "inhumane" treatment of migrants by U.S. Republicans, saying he would propose to U.S. and Canadian leaders at a summit next January to tackle immigration issue at its source.

According to U.S. media reports, busloads of migrants were dropped off outside the residence of U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris in Washington, D.C. on Saturday night amid historically frigid temperatures.

In Mexico, posadas bring early Christmas spirit, community

MEXICO CITY (AP) — For Miguel Zadquiel, the secret to staying in step as he dances at the front of the annual Christmastime procession through his neighborhood is in the bass drum.

“For every sound it makes, I move one foot, then another one, then I jump around, then I move my shoulders,” he said.

Mexico: Stuck at the border, migrants find a little Christmas cheer

CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico (AP) — After fleeing violence in their Guatemalan town, but with their way to relatives in California blocked by continuing U.S. asylum restrictions, a family of 15 joined an Advent candlelight ceremony organized by their shelter just south of the border.

Mexico’s National Guard to escort migrants coming from US

MEXICO CITY, Dec 21 (NNN-PRENSA LATINA) — Mexico´s National Guard (GN) started off a security operation to escort caravans of national migrants returning from the United States.    

On weekend, a caravan -made up of 22 people passing through the state of Zacatecas- was assaulted by armed individuals who robbed their six private vehicles and belongings.

Frustration among migrants at U.S.-Mexico border as COVID restrictions remain

CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico/WASHINGTON, Dec 20 (Reuters) - When Vladimir Castellanos learned that COVID-19 restrictions blocking him and other migrants from claiming asylum at the U.S. border with Mexico may not be terminated this week, he said he felt deceived.

Castellanos and his brother are Venezuelans, and they were among dozens of migrants gathered on both sides of the Rio Grande on Monday night in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, and El Paso, Texas, with some lighting small fires to keep warm as temperatures dropped toward freezing.

Mexican ambassador expelled from Peru over meddling claims

MEXICO CITY (AP) — In a roller-coaster day for Mexico’s relations with Peru, Mexico announced Tuesday it had granted asylum for the family of ousted Peruvian president Pedro Castillo. Hours later, Peru declared the Mexican ambassador to Lima persona non grata and ordered him to leave within 72 hours.

The Peruvian foreign ministry said without elaborating that Castillo’s wife, Lilia Paredes, was under criminal investigation in the South American country, where corruption allegations had dogged her husband’s administration.

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