
Morrison thanks Australians for surprise election victory

SYDNEY (AP) — A jubilant Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison on Sunday vowed to get straight back to work after a shock general election victory, which delivered the country three more years of conservative government.

The opposition Labor Party, meanwhile, began another bout of post-election soul searching while starting the task of finding a new leader, after Bill Shorten stood down on Saturday night following an emphatic defeat in a poll many saw as unlosable for his party.

Bill Shorten concedes Labor's defeat in Australian federal election

CANBERRA, May 18 (Xinhua): Bill Shorten conceded Labor's defeat in the Australian federal election on Saturday evening.

He also stepped down as leader of the Australian Labor Party (ALP).

Before the announcement, chief election analyst of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) Antony Green had predicted that the Liberal-National Party Coalition (LNP), led by Prime Minister Scott Morrison, would win the election.

Counting starts in Australian poll with opposition confident

CANBERRA, Australia (AP) — Votes were being counted in Australia’s general election on Saturday, with senior opposition lawmakers gaining confidence that they will form a center-left government with a focus on slashing greenhouse gas emissions.

A Galaxy exit poll found that the opposition Labor Party could win as many as 82 seats in the 151-seat House of Representatives, where parties need a majority to form government.

Australia remembers WWII with D-Day exhibition

CANBERRA, May 17 (Xinhua): Australia commemorates World War II with an exhibition at the Australian War Memorial.

The exhibition, "D-Day: the Australian story" which will run until September, explores the history of Australians fighting in Western Europe 75 years ago with a selection of items from the National Collection, including: textiles, photographs, diaries, letters, models, artwork, and digital displays.

Policy differences at stake in Australian federal election

CANBERRA, Australia (AP) — The policy differences between the two major political parties vying for power at Australian elections on Saturday have been described as the widest divide at a federal contest in 26 years.

The center-left opposition Labor Party is regarded as pursuing a “big target strategy” with a diverse range of policies aimed at creating a more equitable society under the slogan “A Fair Go for Australia.” To give someone “a fair go” is an Australian colloquialism for providing justice.

Potential new treatment targets root cause of asthma

SYDNEY, May 17 (Xinhua): Asthma sufferers can breathe a little easier with a potential new treatment revealed on Friday, targeting the underlying cause of the disease rather than the symptoms.

A study by Australia's Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research has shown in preclinical trials that by inhibiting the enzyme Ezh2 they can "switch off" and reverse the uncontrolled inflammation associated with asthma.

Long-serving Australian prime minister dies at 89

16 May 2019; DW: Just days before a federal election in Australia, the country's longest-serving Labor prime minister has died. Bob Hawke served from 1983 to 1991 and oversaw the floating of the Australian dollar.

Former Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawke died on Thursday at the age of 89. The Labor party lawmaker gained a reputation as a transformative and charismatic lawmaker during his time in office.

Australia to import grain for the first time in over a decade

CANBERRA, May 15 (Xinhua): Australia will import grain for the first time in over 10 years as the country recovers from the devastating 2018 drought.

The Australian government has approved a single shipment permit to import bulk wheat from Canada to mitigate the rising domestic prices for grain caused by the worst drought in decades on the east coast, according to the report of Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) on Wednesday.

Typo on Aussie $50 note

9 May 2019; AFP: Red-faced bank bosses in Australia admitted to an embarrassing error Thursday, revealing their state-of-the-art $50 note had a typo.

The yellow and green note, which is worth around US$35, came into circulation last October. It has multiple security features -- including microprint of a speech by Australia's first female parliamentarian, Edith Cowan.

But the technology seemingly did not include a spellchecker.

World's first "zero waste" flight takes off in Australia

SYDNEY, May 8 (Xinhua): The first-ever commercial flight to produce "zero waste" has taken to the skies on Wednesday, as part of a new initiative from the Australian airline Qantas to cut single-use plastics that end up in landfill.

Flying from Sydney to Adelaide, all products and packaging onboard QF739 will either be reused, recycled or disposed of as compost.

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