
Israel: Ben-Gvir threatens to resign from gov’t if attacks on Gaza stop after the truce

23 November 2023; MEMO: Israel’s Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben-Gvir, yesterday announced that he would resign from the government if the attacks on the Gaza Strip are not resumed after the end of the expected humanitarian truce.

Ben-Gvir made the remarks during an interview with the right-wing Israeli Channel 14, hours before the prisoner exchange deal between the occupying state and Hamas entered into force.

Israel's Netanyahu says hostage deal 'not without challenges'

23 November 2023; MEMO: Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu cited, on Thursday, challenges in reaching a deal to free Israeli hostages held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip, Anadolu Agency reports.

“We hope to get our hostages out — it’s not without its challenges, but we have to, we hope to get this first tranche out and then we’re committed to getting everyone out,” Netanyahu said during a meeting with UK Foreign Secretary, David Cameron.

Gaza war estimated to cost Israel $48bn

23 November 2023; MEMO: The ongoing Israeli war on Gaza could cost the Israeli economy $48 billion over the current and next year, a financial consulting company estimated on Thursday, Anadolu Agency reports.

“It is likely that Israel will bear two-thirds of the total costs of the war, with the remaining portion covered by the United States in the form of military aid,” reported Israeli Leader Capital Markets.

Israeli attacks continue in Gaza as truce postponed

JERUSALEM, Nov. 23 (Xinhua) -- Israel continued its attacks in the Gaza Strip on Thursday morning since the ceasefire deal reached between the country and the Gaza-ruling Hamas movement did not, as expected, come into effect on Thursday.

The deal on a four-day temporary ceasefire in Gaza for a swap of at least 50 hostages kidnapped in Gaza and some 150 Palestinian detainees held in Israel, as well as for more humanitarian aid to enter the war-stricken Palestinian enclave, was initially agreed by the two warring parties on Wednesday and is due to take effect on Thursday.

Israel: Gaza has become a moonscape in war. When the battles stop, many fear it will remain uninhabitable

JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel’s military offensive has turned much of northern Gaza into an uninhabitable moonscape. Whole neighborhoods have been erased. Homes, schools and hospitals have been blasted by airstrikes and scorched by tank fire. Some buildings are still standing, but most are battered shells.

Israeli military announces 4-hour tactical pause in southern Gaza Strip city of Khan Yunis

TEL AVIV, November 22. /TASS/: The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has introduced a four-hour ceasefire in Khan Yunis, a city in the southern Gaza Strip, IDF Spokesman Avichay Adraee said on Wednesday.

"Today, exactly between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. local time [between 9:00 and 13:00 GMT], we will take a tactical pause in combat actions in the Jourat al-Lot and Batn al-Sameen neighborhoods of Khan Yunis in pursue of humanitarian goals," Adraee stated on his page on the X social network (formerly Twitter).

Qatar announces Israel-Hamas truce-for-hostages deal that would pause Gaza fighting, bring more aid

JERUSALEM (AP) — Qatar on Wednesday announced a truce-for-hostages deal between Israel and Hamas that would bring a four-day halt in fighting in a devastating six-week war, win freedom for dozens of hostages held in the Gaza Strip, and also lead to the release of dozens of Palestinian prisoners.

Ukrainians who fled their country for Israel find themselves yet again living with war

ASHKELON, Israel (AP) — Tatyana Prima thought she’d left the bombs behind when she fled Ukraine more than a year and a half ago, after Russia decimated her city, Mariupol. The 38-year-old escaped with her injured husband and young daughter, bringing the family to safety in southern Israel.

The calm she was slowly regaining shattered again on Oct. 7, when Hamas militants invaded.

Israel: Knesset deputy speaker calls for burning Gaza

20 November 2023; MEMO: The deputy speaker of the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, has called for the burning of Gaza, which has been under relentless Israeli bombardment since 7 October.

According to the Hebrew TV Channel 12, Knesset Deputy Speaker and far-right Likud Party member, Nissim Vaturi, tweeted on Saturday on X that Gaza must be burned.

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