Jordan lawmaker: Parliament calls on government to expel Israel envoy

04 Feb 2020; MEMO: Jordanian MP and chairman of the Palestine Committee in the Jordanian Parliament, Yahya Al-Saud, said parliament has called on the government to expel the Israeli ambassador from Amman because he has become a “persona non grata” in the kingdom.

Speaking to Donia Al-Watan news site, Al-Saud said: “The Jordanian-Israeli relationship is in its worst conditions, so it is necessary to take advantage of the deterioration in these relations, and expel the Israeli ambassador,” adding that he hopes that the government will meet the parliament’s request and expel the official.

According to the Jordanian lawmaker, the conspiracy is not being planned against the Palestinian people only, but also against the Jordanian people, in several issues including the borders, the annexation of the Jordan Valley, and the kingdom’s guardianship over Islamic and Christian sites and everyone should know this, therefore “strong and deterrent positions are necessary”.

Al-Saud called to face the “Israeli occupation” with resistance in all its forms, including armed resistance, especially after 27 years of futile negotiations.

“We have nothing left for us but the resistance option which is the strategic choice of the Arab and Islamic nations and that’s how countries are liberated; not through negotiations,” he said.

Al-Saud pointed out that the resistance is legitimate for people who are under occupation, but international law has double standards; adding that the resistance must evolve including the resistance by people, military, or media, or even by expelling the Israeli ambassadors from Arab and Islamic capitals.