We asked Italy for arms too, says Libya’s GNA PM Serraj

ROME, Dec 23 (NNN-ANSA) — Libyan Government of National Accord (GNA) Prime Minister Fayez al-Serraj, whose Tripoli-based administration is recognised by the United Nations, has confirmed that he asked Italy for weapons to repel the offensive staged by Field Marshall Khalifa Haftar.

“We asked for weapons from many countries, including Italy, which has the right to choose the policy it likes most,” Serraj said in an interview published Monday in Milan’s newspaper Corriere della Sera when asked about the assistance being provided by Turkey.

“Relations remain excellent anyway. In truth, an official response never came from Rome,” Italian news agency ANSA cited from the report.

Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio said the solution to the Libya crisis “cannot be military” as he visited the North Africa country for talks with both sides in the conflict last week.

Di Maio had meetings with Serraj and Haftar, who commands forces based in eastern Libya.