China, Russia can overcome US sanctions together, says official

BEIJING, September 25. /TASS/. China and Russia are capable, combining their efforts, to overcome the negative consequences of the sanctions pressure and trade wars unleashed by Washington, Vice Minister of Commerce of China Fu Ziying said on Tuesday.

According to the official, China and Russia have created the necessary framework for successful cooperation. The economies of the two countries mutually complement each other - in this regard, with mutual efforts the countries would be able to overcome the difficulties that have arisen, he said at the press conference.

On Monday, customs duties of 10% on imported goods from China to the United States entered into force, the total value of which is estimated at $200 bln. As promised in the White House, from January 1, 2019, the tax rate will increase to 25%. US President Donald Trump also expressed his intention to proceed to the third stage of implementation of restrictive measures and, if Beijing dares to take retaliatory steps, introduce additional tariffs for Chinese goods and services for $267 bln.