Sudan's opposition alliance suspends negotiation with military council

KHARTOUM, April 21 (Xinhua) -- Sudan's major opposition alliance announced on Sunday suspension of negotiation with the Transitional Military Council.

"We have decided to suspend the negotiation with the Transitional Military Council," Sudan's opposition Freedom and Change Alliance said in a statement during a press conference at the site of the protesters' sit-in before the army's general headquarter.

The alliance justified its move with what it called the unwillingness of the Transitional Military Council to hand over the power to a civilian government.

Earlier on Sunday, the Chairman of Sudan's Transitional Military Council Abdel-Fattah Al-Burhan reaffirmed the council's commitment to handing over the power to the people.

"The role of the council is complementary to revolution, and handing over the power to the people was a demand of the revolution," Al-Burhan said during an interview broadcasted by Sudan's official TV.

"The Transitional Military Council has no ambitions in power, and we are keen to begin the transitional period as soon as possible," Al-Burhan added.

Sudan's Transitional Military Council is tasked with running the country's affairs following the ouster of former President Omar al-Bashir regime.