
World's oldest Yemeni dies at age of 140

16 Mar 2023; MEMO: A man said to be the oldest Yemeni alive has died at the age of 140.

Ali Anter had two horn-like shape protruding from the side of his head, local media reported yesterday.

Anter, who had the nickname 'two-horns', found that the two horns had begun to grow after he reached the age of 100. They were said to have grown from his forehead down to his cheeks.

Decaying oil tanker off Yemen could be offloaded by September if remaining $34m is raised: UN

15 Mar 2023; MEMO: The UN said Wednesday that it could finish offloading oil from a decaying tanker off Yemen if donors quickly provide the remaining $34 million that is needed, Anadolu News Agency reports.

The UN recently purchased a ship that it hopes will avert a catastrophic spill from the decaying vessel.

US to return 77 looted antiquities to Yemen

22 Feb 2023; MEMO: The US has agreed to return 77 antiquities to Yemen which had been stolen from the war-torn country, authorities confirmed yesterday. Before being repatriated to Yemen's internationally-recognised government, the ancient artefacts will be "temporarily" housed at the Washington-based Smithsonian Institution, which is a group of museums and galleries.

Yemen’s Defence Minister, Saudi-Led Coalition Discuss Combat Readiness Of Pro-Gov’t Troops

ADEN, Feb 10 (NNN-SABA) – Yemen’s defence minister, received yesterday, a military delegation from the Saudi Arabia-led coalition, in the country’s southern port city of Aden.

Mohsen Muhammad Al-Daeri, along with local Yemeni government officials, held a meeting with the high-ranking Saudi delegation, on strengthening cooperation on the combat readiness of local pro-government armed forces.

Al-Daeri thanked the Saudi-led coalition for “generous support” and for their commitment to “the legitimate government and the rights of the Yemeni people.”

Yemen Formed New Reserve Military Units To Confront Houthis

ADEN, Jan 30 (NNN-SABA) – Chairman of Yemen’s Presidential Leadership Council (PLC), Rashad al-Alimi, issued yesterday, a republican decree to form new reserve military units, in the war-ravaged Arab country, to fight the Houthi rebels.

“President Rashad al-Alimi, issued a decree to establish reserve military units, called the Nation Shield Forces, which will be under his personal supervision and leadership, as the supreme commander of Yemen’s armed forces,” said a statement.

Al-Qaeda Bomb Blast Killed Two Gov’t Soldiers In Yemen’s Abyan

ADEN, Jan 24 (NNN-YPA) – A bomb explosion hit a Yemeni government forces vehicle yesterday, in the country’s southern province of Abyan, killing at least two soldiers and wounding five others, a military official said.

The bomb was planted by Yemen-based al-Qaeda militants, on the roadside in Mudiyah district, and detonated with a remote-controlled device, killing two soldiers on the military vehicle, the local military official said, adding, four others and an officer were critically injured.

Roadside Bomb Killed Gov’t Military Officer, Three Soldiers In S. Yemen

ADEN, Yemen, Jan 19 (NNN-YPA) – A military officer and three soldiers from Yemen’s government forces were killed by a roadside bomb, in the country’s southern turbulent province of Abyan yesterday, a government official said.

The bomb, which was planted by al-Qaeda terrorists, detonated near a vehicle, in the Mudiyah district of Abyan, killing a military officer, three soldiers and wounding two others, the local government official said, on condition of anonymity.

Omani Delegation Arrives In Yemen To Push Houthis For UN-Proposed Truce

SANAA, Jan 11 (NNN-ONA) – An Omani delegation arrived in the Houthi militia-held capital, Sanaa, yesterday, to mediate the renewal of a UN-proposed truce between the Houthi militia and the Yemeni government.

The delegation was scheduled to hold meetings with top Houthi leaders, Houthi-run al-Masirah TV reported.

Oman, which borders both Yemen and Saudi Arabia, has been actively engaged in brokering a truce between the Houthi rebels and the Yemeni government, that is supported by Saudi Arabia.

This was the second visit by the Omani delegation in less than a month.

Seven Yemeni Displaced Children Died Due To Harsh Winter Cold

ADEN, Jan 11 (NNN-SABA) – Seven internally displaced children died from harsh winter weather, in their displacement tents, in Yemen’s north-eastern province of Marib, a government official said yesterday.

Yemen’s executive unit for the management of internal displacement camps in Marib, said that, “during the past two months, the severe waves of winter cold killed seven children in Marib’s displacement camp.”

He pointed out that, hundreds of Yemeni children currently live in worn-out tents and suffer greatly, due to the lack of winter clothing.

Yemen's government raises customs exchange rate by 50%

10 Jan 2023; MEMO: Yemen's recognised government has raised the US dollar exchange rate used to calculate customs duties on non-essential goods by 50 per cent, effective Tuesday, a document and traders said, Reuters reports.

The decision applies only to south Yemen, which the government controls, including the port city of Aden. The country's main entry point for commodities, Hodeidah port, is held by the Houthi Movement, which has a different exchange system.

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