
Two vessels catch fire after missile strikes off Yemen's Aden

CAIRO, June 9 (Reuters) - Two ships caught on fire after being hit by projectiles off Yemen's Aden, two UK maritime agencies reported on Sunday.

The British security firm Ambrey said on Sunday an Antigua- and Barbuda-flagged general cargo ship was struck by a missile 83 nautical miles southeast of Aden and caught fire. The fire was later contained.

Earlier, the United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) said it had received a report from a captain of a vessel of an incident 80 nautical miles southeast of Aden.

Yemen: Houthis detain Yemeni staff for UN, US organisations

07 June 2024; MEMO: Houthi security forces have detained 11 United Nations personnel in Yemen over the past three days and the UN is seeking their safe and unconditional release as soon as possible, UN spokesperson, Stephane Dujarric, said on Friday, Reuters reports.

He said the UN was very concerned about the developments and was seeking clarification from the Houthis about why the Yemeni staff was detained. The two women and nine men work for five different UN agencies and the UN envoy for Yemen.

Yemen: Houthis launch ‘Palestine’ ballistic missile at Israel military site in Eilat

04 June 2024; MEMO: The Houthi-allied Yemeni Armed Forces have launched a new ballistic missile at an Israeli military site in the southern port city of Eilat (Umm Al-Rashrash). Yemeni military spokesperson, Brigadier General Yahya Saree, made the announcement yesterday night, marking the third announcement in the past four days regarding Yemeni operations.

Ships entering Yemeni waters must obtain permit, Houthi minister says

CAIRO, March 4 (Reuters) - Ships will have to obtain a permit from Yemen's Houthi-controlled Maritime Affairs Authority before entering Yemeni waters, Houthi Telecommunications Minister Misfer Al-Numair said on Monday.

Houthi militants have repeatedly launched drones and missiles against international commercial shipping in the Gulf of Aden since mid-November, saying they are acting in solidarity with Palestinians against Israel's offensive in Gaza.

Fresh US-British airstrikes target Houthi sites in Yemen

04 March 2024; MEMO: Yemen’s Houthi group reported fresh US-British airstrikes in the northern province of Saada on Monday, Anadolu Agency reports.

The Houthi-run Al-Masirah television said three strikes targeted Yasnam area in Baqim district in Saada.

There were no reports yet of casualties or damage.

Houthis insist on entry of aid into Gaza in exchange for salvaging sunken British ship

02 March 2024; MEMO: Yemen’s Houthi group insisted Saturday on bringing relief aid into the Gaza Strip in exchange for allowing the sunken British ship Rubymar in the Gulf of Aden to be salvaged, Anadolu reports.

“We confirm again that the offer is valid to tow the ship (Rubymar) in exchange for bringing relief trucks into Gaza,” Muhammad Ali Al-Houthi, a member of the group’s Supreme Political Council, said in a statement on X.

US, UK warplanes launch new attacks on Yemen

Tehran, IRNA, 27 February 2024 - American and British forces have conducted fresh aerial attacks on Yemen in yet another breach of international law and the UN charter.

Yemen’s Al-Masirah TV channel reported that Ras Isa port town and the city of al-Salif in western Hudaydah province were targeted in the new round of strikes.

So far, there have been no reports of casualties or possible damages from this attack.

Yemen Houthis keep up pressure with near miss on US-flagged tanker

26 February 2024; MEMO: Yemen’s Houthis fired a missile that likely targeted the “Torm Thor” in the Gulf of Aden on 24 February, but missed the US-flagged oil tanker, the US Central Command (CENTCOM) said on Monday, as the group steps up attacks on ships, Reuters reports.

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