Australian Senator raises human rights abuses in India

Canberra; 03 Sep 2020 (UMMN):  A week after India's CAA figured in a NSW assembly motion, another Senator spoke about India's human rights record in the Federal Parliament on 3 September 2020.

Greens Senator Larissa Waters gave a speech on 3 Sep 2020 in the Australian parliament about global human rights abuses in which she raised human rights abuses in India, and harsh and discriminatory measures in Kashmir. Her speech can be read via the link below;

Australia to offer residence option to 10,000 Hong Kongers

Sydney, Jul 12 (AP/PTI) The Australian government says it will offer around 10,000 Hong Kong passport holders currently living in Australia a chance to apply for permanent residence once their current visas expire.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison's government believes China's imposition of a new tough national security law on the semi-autonomous territory means pro-democracy supporters may face political persecution.

Flying Cars Set To Race In Australian Outback

CANBERRA, June 22 (NNN-AGENCIES) – A start-up announced, it will hold flying car races in the South Australian outback before the end of 2020.

Airspeeder, which is based in South Australia and London, developed flying cars that use drone technology to hover and manoeuvre.

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, Airspeeder co-founder, Matthew Pearson, said that, 2020 was a significant year for the industry, with the company set to host full-scale flying car races in the SA outback.

US unrest: PM Morrison calls for probe into police ‘assault’ on Australian journalist

CANBERRA/WASHINGTON, June 2 (NNN-AGENCIES) — PM Scott Morrison has spoken to US President Donal Trump after an Australian TV crew was allegedly assaulted by police in Washington, reports say.

Morrison has also asked the Washington embassy to investigate the incident.

Channel 7’s US correspondent Amelia Brace and cameraman Tim Myers were attacked while covering Monday’s protest outside the White House.

Australia plans to lift most corona restrictions by July

SYDNEY, May 8 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Australia’s government on Friday unveiled a three-stage plan to get the economy back to a new “COVID-safe” normal by the end of July.

Federal authorities have left details of the plan’s implementation up to the country’s diverse states and territories, meaning coronavirus restrictions will remain in place for weeks or months longer in areas hardest hit by the disease.

Australia Launches Inquiry Into Deadly Bush-fires

SYDNEY, Apr 16 (NNN-AGENCIES) – An inquiry into Australia’s recent deadly bush-fire, officially began on Thursday (today), with an online ceremonial meeting.

The fires of 2019-20, which became known as “Black Summer,” left around 33 people dead, over 3,000 homes destroyed, as well as, widespread devastation of local wildlife and habitat.

Chair of the inquiry, retired defence force chief, Mark Binskin, said, the purpose of the hearings was not to point fingers or apportion blame, but to deliver practical solutions to better handle disasters in the future.

Australian Gov announces $130 billion 3rd Rescue Package

Canberra; 30 March 2020 (UMM): Eight days since the second stimulus package was announced, Australian PM Scott Morrison announced a third stimulus package to the tune of $130 billion to save “hibernating” businesses forced to close their doors during lockdown, and their employees.

Package includes a $1,500 per fortnight payment to employers, so that they can maintain their employees during this hibernation period.

Australian Army Reservists Called On For COVID-19 Support

CANBERRA, Mar 26 (NNN-AGENCIES) – The Australian Army is preparing to deploy reservists to assist with the Australian Defence Force’s response to COVID-19.

The Guardian Australia, today published an email sent by Carmen Sieger, the acting director of the directorate of contingent workforce management army, earlier in Mar, in which Sieger called on reservists for help, if they had the willingness and capacity for work “likely to result from our current environment.”

It would be the second time in 2020. reservists will be deployed in response to the crisis.

Australian PM announces travel ban on all non-residents

SYDNEY, March 20 (NNN-XINHUA) — Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison on Thursday announced a travel ban on all non-residents coming into the country beginning from Friday night.

Anyone who is not a citizen, resident, or close family member of an Australian citizen or resident will be denied entry into the country, Xinhua reported him saying.

Australia warns citizens not to travel abroad; Corona cases surge to 454

Melbourne, Mar 18 (PTI) Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison on Wednesday warned its citizens not to travel abroad and banned "non-essential" gatherings of 100 people or more as the government declared the deadly coronavirus, that has infected over 450 people in the country, a "human biosecurity emergency".

Prime Minister Morrison on Wednesday said Australians should abandon all overseas travel because of the coronavirus epidemic. There have been 40 new cases since Tuesday.

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