United Kingdom

In a major victory for protesters, UK High Court rules anti-protest legislation unlawful

22 May 2024; MEMO: In a major triumph for human rights protesters, the UK High Court has declared the government’s anti-protest legislation unlawful. The court found that the law, which lowered the threshold for protest crackdowns to any disturbance deemed “more than minor” was enacted without proper authority.

UK Premier announces general election on 4 July

22 May 2024; MEMO: British Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, announced on Wednesday that general election in the UK would be held on 4 July, Anadolu Agency reports.

During his address at Downing Street, Sunak said that the country will head to polls on Thursday, 4 July.

“Earlier today, I spoke with His Majesty, the King (Charles) to request the dissolution of parliament. The King has granted this request and we will have a general election on the fourth of July,” he announced.

UK: NGO lodges complaint to Scotland Yard on UK ministers' complicity in Israel war crimes

23 May 2024; MEMO: An NGO has submitted a complaint to the United Kingdom’s Scotland Yard against Israel’s use of “starvation as a weapon of war” and targeting of Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip, in what is the latest such complaint regarding war crimes in Gaza to be reported to British police.

UK asks Israel to allow foreign observers to visit Palestinian detainees: Report

25 April 2024; MEMO: The UK has asked Israel to allow foreign observers to visit Palestinian detainees in Israeli jails, according to Israeli media on Thursday, Anadolu Agency reports.

The British request was about to be approved by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, but strong opposition from far-right National Security Minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir prevented this from happening, Maariv newspaper said.

Reuters photographer wins World Press Photo of the Year with poignant shot from Gaza

18 April 2024; AP: PARIS — Reuters photographer Mohammed Salem captured this year’s prestigious World Press Photo of the Year award Thursday with a depiction of loss and sorrow in Gaza, a heartrending photo of a Palestinian woman cradling the body of her young niece.

UK High Court grants WikiLeaks founder Assange right to appeal his extradition to US

26 March 2024; MEMO: A UK High Court ruling on Tuesday granted WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange, the right to appeal his extradition to the US and set a new hearing date for the case in May before adjourning it, Anadolu Agency reports.

In a partial victory for Assange, the UK High Court has decided against his immediate extradition to the US, where he is wanted on espionage charges.

Over 130 British parliamentarians urge gov’t to cease arms sales to Israel

28 March 2024; MEMO: Members of Parliament (MPs) and ministers from the House of Lords have urged the British government to cease arms sales to Israel in response to international pressure against Israel’s actions in Gaza.

Over 130 parliamentarians have endorsed a letter addressed to Foreign Secretary David Cameron, calling for a ban on arms exports to Israel.

UK slams Israel for blocking aid to Gaza ‘stuck at border for weeks’

22 March 2024; MEMO: British Foreign Secretary David Cameron has accused Israel of impeding the humanitarian aid flow into Gaza.

In a letter addressed to Alicia Kearns, chair of the UK Foreign Affairs Select Committee, Cameron said it “was an enormous frustration” that humanitarian aid to Gaza had been “routinely held up waiting for Israeli permissions”.

UK campaigners call for withholding tax over Gaza war

20 March 2024; MEMO: Activists in the UK have launched the “No Tax for Genocide” campaign, calling on supporters to stop paying taxes to protest and change the British government’s stance on Israel’s war on Gaza.

The campaign’s founders argue that paying taxes while the government supports Israel is tantamount to “aiding and abetting genocide,” which they claim is “illegal” under international and domestic laws.

UK delivers final blow to UAE hopes of acquiring Telegraph newspaper

19 March 2024; MEMO: The British government said today that it would refer the UAE-led takeover of the Telegraph Media Group for a lengthy review, a move that will effectively kill the deal because a law banning foreign governments owning newspapers is due to come into force in coming months, Reuters has reported.

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