New York

Chinese, Turkish FMs meet for closer cooperation

UNITED NATIONS, Sept. 27 (Xinhua) -- Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi met Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu on Thursday, vowing to cement bilateral cooperation.

Being Turkey's friend, China firmly supports Turkey's efforts to safeguard national stability and development, and is willing to maintain communication at all levels with Turkey to strengthen mutual understanding, promote mutually beneficial cooperation, and fully consider each other's core interests and major concerns, Wang said.

Abbas threatens to renege on agreements with U.S., Israel, Hamas

UNITED NATIONS, Sept. 27 (Xinhua) -- Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas threatened on Thursday to renege on agreements with Israel, the United States and the Islamic Hamas movement over their failure to be committed to the accords.

Speaking before the United Nations General Assembly, Abbas said, "We have concluded agreements with Israel and they have abrogated all of them. Either Israel abides by these agreements, or else we will renege on them. Israel will bear the responsibility and consequences of this."

UN chief meets with Rouhani, echoes support for Iran nuclear deal

UNITED NATIONS, September 27. /TASS/. United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres met on Wednesday with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and spoke in support of the Iran nuclear deal, the United Nations press office said.

"The Secretary-General met with H.E. Mr. Hassan Rouhani, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran," the press office said. "The Secretary-General reiterated his support for the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and the implementation of Security Council resolution 2231 (2015)."

Pompeo to travel to Pyongyang next month: U.S. state department

NEW YORK, Sept. 26 (Xinhua) -- U.S. State Department said on Tuesday that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will travel to Pyongyang next month to discuss a second summit between the leaders of the United States and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK).

Pompeo, in his meeting with Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho of the DPRK earlier on the same day, accepted DPRK top leader Kim Jong Un's invitation to travel to Pyongyang next month, according to a statement issued by State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert.

Trump pledges Mideast peace plan within months

United Nations, Sep 27 (AFP) President Donald Trump vowed Wednesday to present a "very fair" Middle East peace plan by the end of the year and endorsed a two-state solution, apparently confident that the Palestinians would return to talks despite his unwavering support for Israel.

Holding talks with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in New York, Trump said it was a "dream" of his to bring about a peaceful solution to a conflict that has eluded several of his predecessors.

Macron Breaks Silence on Rafale Deal, Distances Self From Row

Paris, Sept 25; GANASHAKTI: French President Emmanuel Macron has said that the Rafale deal was a "government-to-government" discussion and he was not in power when the multi-billion dollar agreement for 36 fighter jets was signed between India and France.

Addressing a press conference on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly session, Macron was asked if the Indian government had at any point told France or Dassault – the French aerospace major – that they had to accept Reliance as the Indian partner for the Rafale deal.

Foreign Media Links Trump's Big Praise For India To Its Cutting Iran Oil

NewYork; GANASHAKTI: President Donald Trump told the United Nations General Assembly that Iran's leaders "sow chaos, death and destruction."

But the president had nice things to say about another country. Near the end of his talk, Trump said that India, for example, is "a free society over a billion people, successfully lifting countless millions out of poverty and into the middle class."

Rouhani says Trump seeking Iran leadership 'overthrow'

United Nations, Sep 25 (AFP) Iranian President Hassan Rouhani accused his US counterpart Donald Trump of trying to topple his government Tuesday as he poured cold water on the idea of resuming talks with Washington after its pullout from an international nuclear accord.

"It is ironic that the US government does not even conceal its plan for overthrowing the same government it invites to talks," Rouhani said in a speech at the United Nations General Assembly.

Donald Trump laughed at in UN General Assembly 2018

Donald Trump has to endure what could be one of the most humiliating moments in his life when he was laughed at the UN General Assembly while bragging that his presidency “had accomplished more than any other administration in history”.

The laughter was audible. US president looked around the room, smiled broadly, and said “Didn’t expect that reaction, but that’s OK,”

Iranian nuclear deal participants to meet on sidelines of UN General Assembly — source

UN, September 14. /TASS/. Participants of the nuclear deal with Iran (Russia, China, the United Kingdom, France, Germany and Iran) will hold a ministerial meeting on September 24 on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York, a diplomatic source in the organization told TASS.

"The meeting was scheduled for September 24," the source said. "It will also be attended by the European Union foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini."

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