
Venezuela's main hydropower plant suffered another attack

CARACAS, March 25 (Xinhua) -- Venezuelan Communications Minister Jorge Rodriguez on Monday said the country's main Guri hydroelectric plant was sabotaged again, causing another blackout in several regions, but authorities have managed to restore power quickly.

"We want to inform the whole country that just as we have been denouncing, we have received a new attack on the load and transmission center of the National Electricity System," said Rodriguez.

However, the state-run electricity company was able to restore power to the affected areas "in record time," he said.

Over $30 billion seized from Venezuela’s foreign accounts in two months

CARACAS, March 24. /TASS/. More than $30 billion disappeared from Venezuela’s foreign accounts in the past two months, Venezuelan Minister for Communication and Information Jorge Rodgriguez told reporters in Caracas.

"In the past two months, over $30 billion were stolen," he was quoted as saying by Venezuela’s state TV.

The official accused Washington of ordering to seize Venezuela’s assets.

"Assets, which Venezuela has in various banks, are being withdrawn. This is carried out under direct orders from the [US President Donald Trump’s] administration," he said.

Venezuelan president says opposition’s plot to kill him foiled

CARACAS, March 24. /TASS/. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has said the country’s security forces have foiled a plan to assassinate him masterminded personally by the opposition’s leader Juan Guaido.

"The North American imperialism wants to kill me. We have just exposed a plan to kill me, which was personally led by the devil’s puppet [Guaido]," Maduro said, noting that the prosecutors had made serious progress in investigating this case and would soon start arresting "new terrorists."

Maduro announces arrest of Colombian paramilitary leader

CARACAS, March 23 (Xinhua) -- Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced Saturday the arrest of a "powerful Colombian paramilitary leader" in the Venezuelan state of Carabobo.

Maduro did not reveal the name of the person arrested, simply referring to him as the "head of the Rastrojos," a criminal group in neighboring Colombia.

However, he did say the Colombian was "providing testimony and proof of who hired him and who brought him to Venezuela."

US slaps sanctions on Venezuelan bank

Washington, March 23; AFP/GANASHAKTI: The United States on Friday slapped sanctions on a key Venezuelan bank, BANDES and four affiliates over their support for President Nicolas Maduro.

The US move came just hours after Maduro's regime defied the United States and arrested a top aide of opposition leader Juan Guaido, whom Washington recognizes as the crisis-hit country's interim leader.

Venezuela produced 1.43 million barrels of oil per day in February

BAKU, March 18 / TASS /. The average daily oil production in Venezuela in February was 1.43 million barrels, said Venezuelan oil industry minister Manuel Quevedo at a meeting of the OPEC + ministerial monitoring committee on Monday.

"1.432 million barrels per day," he said, answering the relevant question. At the same time, Quevedo did not mention the volume of production in March, citing the fact that the month is not over yet.

Venezuela views Russia, China as major oil export destinations

BAKU, March 19. /TASS/. Caracas views Russia and China as major oil exports destinations, Venezuela's Oil Minister Manuel Quevedo said at a meeting with Azerbaijani Energy Minister Parviz Shahbazov, the Azerbaijani Energy Ministry said in a statement on Tuesday.

"The minister said that Venezuela had suspended oil exports to India and stressed that Russia and China were considered to be major oil export destinations," the statement reads. Quevedo added that Venezuela "is working to diversify its exports."

Maduro creates military unit to protect public service installations

Caracas, Mar 16 (AFP) Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro created a military unit on Friday charged with protecting basic installations and services such as electricity and water just over a week after the country was hit with a massive blackout.

Maduro blamed that on a cyber attack directed by the United States but critics say the government was at fault for failing to maintain infrastructure.

Speaking on television and radio, Maduro said the "Command for the Defence of Basic Strategic Services" would be tasked with ensuring "security, operability and maintenance."

Venezuela accuses US of 'terrorist attack' on oil facility

Caracas, Mar 15; AFP: Venezuelans resumed work after a week-long hiatus forced by an unprecedented nationwide blackout, but President Nicolas Maduro's government faced fresh problems including a "terrorist attack" on an oil facility.

Three storage tanks at the Petro San Felix heavy oil processing plant in eastern Venezuela caught fire late Wednesday, Oil Minister Manuel Quevedo told state television. There were no reports of casualties.

Venezuela investigates Guaido for electrical sabotage

CARACAS, March 12 (Xinhua) -- Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido is under investigation for sabotage following a massive blackout, Attorney General Tarek William Saab said on Tuesday.

Guaido is being investigated "for his alleged involvement in the sabotage against the national electricity system," Saab said.

The opposition leader was already under investigation for violating constitutional norms after he declared himself "interim president" on Jan. 23, Saab said.

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