
Qatar calls on UN Security Council to condemn illegal blockade

27 Nov 2020; MEMO: Qatar called on Thursday on the United Nations (UN) Security Council to condemn the "unilateral, coercive and illegitimate measures that the blockading countries continue to impose" on Doha for over three years.

The Qatari Permanent Representative to the United Nations Sheikha Alya Al-Thani said that the blockading countries continue to impose forceful measures against Doha, despite proven to be unlawful.

Pompeo meets Taliban, Afghan negotiators in Doha

Washington, Nov 22 (PTI) US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has met negotiators from the Afghan government and the Taliban in Doha, amidst signs of progress in their stalled talks and an uptick in violence that threatens to jeopardise the peace push in the war-torn country.

This was the first meeting of the top American diplomat with the Taliban and the Afghans representatives after the US' recent announcement that it will reduce the number of American troops in Afghanistan and Iraq to 2,500 each by January 15 next year.

Normalisation with Israel undermines Palestinian statehood efforts: Qatar FM

17 Nov 2020; MEMO: Qatar's foreign minister said on Monday Arab states that establish ties with Israel undermine efforts for Palestinian statehood, but it was in their own sovereign right to do so, Reuters reports.

Three Arab countries – the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Sudan – set aside hostilities with Israel in recent months to agree to formal relations in deals brokered by US President Donald Trump's administration.

Qatar emir sets first national election for next October

DOHA, Nov 4 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Qatar’s ruler said that a long delayed vote for the country’s policy reviewing chamber will be held in October 2021, marking the Gulf emirate’s first national election.

The currently un-elected Shura Council advises the absolute ruler, Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani, on draft laws but does not create its own legislation and can be overruled by a simple decree.

October’s vote would be Qatar’s first national election although Sheikh Tamim did not give details on who would be permitted to vote or who would be able to stand.

Qatar strongly condemns attack in Nigeria

DOHA, Oct 23 (NNN-BERNAMA) — Qatar expressed Thursday its strong condemnation and denunciation of the attack that took place in Zamfara state in northern Nigeria which led to number of deaths, Qatar News Agency (QNA) reported.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs renewed in a statement stating Qatar’s firm position of rejecting violence, terrorism, and criminal acts regardless of the motives and reasons.

It also expresssed Qatar’s condolences to the families of the victims, the government, and the people of Nigeria.

Iran, Qatar discuss joining power grids through sea

29 Sep 2020; MEMO: Iranian and Qatari energy ministers yesterday discussed connecting the two countries’ electricity networks via a submarine cable.

In a virtual meeting, the Qatari minister, Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi, said that the project was “possible”, adding that a “proposal should be worked on”.

“In my opinion, this idea is practical and it is possible to implement it,” Al-Kaabi added.

Qatar refuses to head Arab League instead of Palestine

26 Sep 2020; MEMO: The State of Qatar refused to assume the presidency of the 154th regular session of the Arab League at the ministerial level instead of Palestine, which has recently resigned from the position.

Qatar announced in a statement on Thursday evening: “We apologise for completing the aforementioned session, which the State of Palestine abandoned, while adhering to the right of the State of Qatar to the next presidency of the 155th session of March 2021.”

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