New York

USA: In tears, ex-Trump exec testifies he gave up company job because he was tired of legal woes

NEW YORK (AP) — Tearing up as he testified, Donald Trump’s former corporate controller said he “gave up” on his longtime job because he was worn out by the company’s legal woes.

Jeffrey McConney was on the witness stand for a fourth day in six weeks at the ex-president’s civil fraud trial when defense lawyer Jesus M. Suarez asked why McConney no longer works at the Trump Organization.

USA: Trump has long praised autocrats and populists. He’s now embracing Argentina’s new president

NEW YORK (AP) — Donald Trump has long praised a particular type of foreign leader — men he describes as “tough” and “strong,” even if they have chipped away at their countries’ democratic norms.

The former president and GOP front-runner is now celebrating the newly elected leader of Argentina, Javier Milei, a wild-haired, chainsaw-wielding, self-described “anarcho-capitalist” dubbed “the madman” by his admirers.

US accused of repatriating fake Roman mosaics to Lebanon

20 November 2023; MEMO: Leading British and French academics have accused US authorities of sending back fake Roman mosaics to Lebanon, according to a report yesterday by the Guardian.

One academic, Djamila Fellague of the University of Grenoble claimed that eight out of nine mosaic panels that authorities in New York repatriated to the country were forgeries.

Killings of civilians in Gaza 'unparalleled, unprecedented' during UN chief's term, says Guterres

20 November 2023; MEMO: The UN chief, on Monday, decried events in Gaza since 7 October, calling them a “killing of civilians that is unparalleled and unprecedented” since he took office, Anadolu Agency reports.

“This Must Stop,” UN Chief Says In Response To Escalating Deaths In Gaza

UNITED NATIONS, Nov 20 (NNN-XINHUA) – UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, once again called for a humanitarian ceasefire, in response to the increasing number of deaths in Gaza.

“This war is having a staggering and unacceptable number of civilian casualties, including women and children, every day,” the top UN official said in a statement. “This must stop. I reiterate my call for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire.”

USA: At UN, Pakistan calls for a ‘mechanism’ to protect Palestinians enduring deadly Israeli attacks

UNITED NATIONS, Nov 18 (APP): Pakistan, on behalf of a group of 17 countries, called on the United Nations to “urgently” establish a mechanism to ensure the protection of Palestinian civilians being subjected to relentless bombardment in Gaza by the Israeli military and to intensify efforts to promote a peaceful solution to the Middle East conflict.

USA: UNGA president urges Security Council reform to avoid paralysis

UNITED NATIONS, Nov. 16 (Xinhua) -- In a world shadowed by the turmoil in Ukraine and Gaza, the urgency for reforming the UN Security Council has reached an unprecedented peak, Dennis Francis, president of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA), said on Thursday.

Amid the assembly's annual discourse, evaluating the United Nations' foremost platform for peace and security, Francis conveyed with deep conviction that without fundamental structural reform, the council's effectiveness and credibility are destined to progressively diminish.

USA: Nearly two dozen toddlers sickened by lead linked to tainted applesauce pouches, CDC says

(AP) --- U.S. health officials are warning doctors to be on the lookout for possible cases of lead poisoning in children after at least 22 toddlers in 14 states were sickened by lead linked to tainted pouches of cinnamon apple puree and applesauce.

Children ages 1 to 3 were affected, and at least one child showed a blood lead level eight times higher than the level that raises concern, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said.

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