Middle East & North Africa

Palestinians call US's temporary pier in Gaza ‘occupation port’

27 March 2024; MEMO: Palestinians are describing a temporary pier being constructed by the US on the shores of Gaza City as an “occupation port”, Anadolu Agency reports.

US President Joe Biden, on 7 March, announced that he had tasked the US military with building a temporary pier off Gaza for the delivery of much-needed humanitarian aid, as Israel continues to let only a trickle of aid into the enclave by land.

Israel: Netanyahu's coalition gov’t in turmoil over exemption of ultra-Orthodox Jews from military service

28 March 2024; MEMO: The Israeli Prime Minister faces a challenge within his coalition government as tensions escalate over proposed legislation exempting the ultra-Orthodox, known in Hebrew as Haredim, from military service, threatening the coalition’s rule collapse, Anadolu Agency reports.

Israel asks US to reschedule scrapped meeting on Rafah offensive plans

27 March 2024; MEMO: Israel has asked to reschedule a meeting with US officials to discuss its military plans in Gaza’s southern city of Rafah, a US official said on Wednesday, days after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu abruptly scrapped the planned talks, Reuters reports.

Saudi Arabia condemns Israeli seizure of 800 hectares of Palestinian land in West Ban

28 March 2024; MEMO: Saudi Arabia has condemned Israel’s decision to seize 800 hectares of Palestinian land in the occupied West Bank, joining the growing list of nations opposing the move, which violates international law.

Last week, the Israeli authorities seized more land in the Jordan Valley area of the occupied West Bank, in a move overseen by far-right Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich for the purpose of enabling the construction of more illegal settlements for Jewish settlers.

Ceasefire in Gaza must be 'substantive' to end 'darkest chapters' of humanity; UNICEF

28 March 2024; MEMO: A ceasefire in the Gaza Strip must be “substantive, not symbolic” to end the “darkest chapters” of humanity, a UNICEF official said on Tuesday.

“Gaza has shattered humanity’s records for its darkest chapters. Humanity must now urgently write a different chapter,” UNICEF spokesman James Elder said at a UN press briefing in Geneva.

19 Palestinians killed as Israeli forces shell Palestinians waiting for aid in Gaza

24 March 2024; MEMO: At least 19 Palestinians were killed and 23 others injured in an Israeli attack targeting civilians who were waiting for aid southeast of Gaza City, the Gaza Media Office stated on Saturday, Anadolu Agency reports.

“The Israeli occupation commits a massacre, killing 19 and injuring 23 civilians while thousands of citizens were waiting for flour and aid near Al-Kuwait roundabout,” the media office said in a statement.

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