Serbia outfits its armor with Russia’s latest combat modules to boost firepower

BELGRADE, October 12. /TASS/: The Serbian defense company Yugoimport unveiled its latest Lazar III A1 armored personnel carrier outfitted with the latest Russian combat modules at the Partner 2021 international defense show running in Belgrade (Serbia) on October 11-14, TASS reported from the scene.

The Lazar III combat vehicle developed by Yugoimport is in service with the Serbian Army and the republic’s Interior Ministry. Its standard configuration comprises a Serbian-made remote-controlled combat module with a 12.7 mm large-caliber machine-gun. The vehicle’s new modification unveiled at the Partner 2021 arms show is the first heavily armed Lazar III A1 version.

The improved armored personnel carrier has received a Russian 32V01 remote-controlled combat module with a 30mm automatic gun and also a robotic module with a 57mm cannon.

A source in the Serbian defense industry told TASS that the latest Russian modules mounted on the Lazar III armored personnel carrier will boost the vehicle’s export potential.

"The Russian modules mounted on the Lazar III upgrade the armored personnel carrier to the level of infantry fighting vehicles with enhanced firepower. As a result, the combat vehicle will be capable of fighting a whole range of targets on the battlefield, except for heavy armor," the source said.

The latest modules mounted on the Serbian Lazar III combat vehicle have been developed by the Russia-based Burevestnik Central Research Institute (part of the defense manufacturer Uralvagonzavod within the state tech corporation Rostec). The 32V01 unmanned combat module was featured for the first time at the IDEX international arms show in Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates in 2015.